Session Pricing:
Please contact me for details, 615-804-2964
Wedding Packages
Choose from three pricing levels, Each level includes all images on a disk. Consults are free. I'd love to have the opportunity to meet with you, chat about what is important to you for your wedding day. Lets schedule our chat asap, contact me @ 615-804-2964 (feel free to send me a text inquiry) or email me:
My sunflowers have started to bloom. I had no idea how beautiful the process is. I've always loved them but never planted any. Just had to share how lovely the bloom process can be, it's been especially exciting as I planted them from seeds. Hope you enjoy.
I have a Google Coupon on my blog, see the months of May & June, for coupons, and Graduating Senior specials! I have full details and savings also posted on my myspace blog. Don't forget to check them out, booking now! For our '09 Grad's! I only take a few per year, and each session is individualized so if you want 'stand out from the crowd' senior images then you want to book with me!
Here is my latest victim. As reluctant as she was, we still managed to get a few good shots. tee hee Some times being in front of the camera is the last place a teen wants to be. Still we can use that against them and get a great portrait of who they are. Seems I have allot of guitar playing girls in my shots lately. lol Hey we are awful close to Nashville! So guitars happen! ha ;o)
This session was a quick one so her album will be small. Still I know we have enough to keep Mom and Dad happy with their choices, and kept my victim from too much trauma. ha ha! Sometimes I have to work like a dentist! ;o) The direct link to the full album will be the title of this entry once all images are online.